The Crucible: Response Journal

You need three entries in your response journal for The Crucible. Each is to be 250 words, minimum. Cite the text in support of your ideas.

Writing Ideas:

  1. Choose any significant passage. Cite it. Respond to it. Explain what it means, what is happening, or why it’s important.
  2. Decide which character acts most courageously and explain.
  3. Decide which character acts most selfishly/unselfishly and explain.
  4. Decide which character is most sympathetic (which one does the audience feel most sympathetic towards) and explain.
  5. Show how Mr. Hale changes his thinking over time. Determine what the change is and also the main factors?
  6. Discuss how emotions such as fear and guilt affect how people behave.
  7. Research Voodoo as a religion and explain how elements of it appears in the play. Cite your resources using MLA style.
  8. Show how greed plays a role in the play. Look at more than one character.
  9. Decide what your favorite scene in the play is. Explain why it is your favorite.
  10. Play God: Which person in Salem is most to blame for 19 people losing their lives. Explain fully.